
Deformable Object Modelling Trends: from Perception to Applications

Date : 18 Avril 2025
Horaire : 09h00 - 17h00
Lieu : Inria Paris, Auditorium Jacques-Louis Lions, (48 Rue Barrault, Paris 75013)

Axes scientifiques :
  • Audio, Vision et Perception
  • Apprentissage machine

Organisateurs :
  • - Shaifali Parashar (LIRIS)
  • - Renato Martins (ICB)

Nous vous rappelons que, afin de garantir l'accès de tous les inscrits aux salles de réunion, l'inscription aux réunions est gratuite mais obligatoire.


1 personnes membres du GdR IASIS, et 3 personnes non membres du GdR, sont inscrits à cette réunion.

Capacité de la salle : 140 personnes. 136 Places restantes



This GDR IASIS workday focuses on recent advancements and ongoing challenges in the sensing, perception, registration, reconstruction, tracking and manipulation of deformable objects. These objects, characterized by transformations ranging from elasticity to isometry (geodesic-preserving), display complex behaviors that pose significant obstacles for geometric modeling and machine learning. They also often require considering specific properties of the underlying manifold defined by the object surface, e.g., when performing optimization or feature learning. These challenges often limit the development of effective algorithms for diverse applications. This GDR meeting aims to unite researchers from the computer vision, machine learning and robotics communities to collaboratively discuss these issues, exchange ideas, and explore future directions in this evolving field.


The following topics and call for contributions and not limited to: 

  • – Sensing for deformable objects: plenoptic, events-based, RGB-D, ultrasound
  • – Perception: visual description, matching and shape analysis for deformable objects
  • – Optimization on manifolds, physics-informed feature learning
  • – Deformable 3D reconstruction, deformable surface registration and tracking, human and animal pose estimation
  • – Datasets, benchmarks and tools for analysis and synthesis of data of deformable objects
  • – Applications: scene analysis and understanding, medical robotics, robot manipulation, gaming and VR/AR 

Keynote speakers: 

Call of contributions: 

Beyond the keynote speakers, this GDR meeting will have short talks of 15 mins covering the topics of interest. The selection of the contributed talks will be done with submission of proposals in the form of abstracts (title, authors and summary with max 200 words) before March 15, 2025 to the organizers. Please note that registration is free but mandatory on the GdR IASIS website

Important dates: 

  • – March 15, 2025: deadline for the submission of abstracts 
  • – March 22, 2025: notification to authors 
  • – March 28, 2025: program digest
  • – April 18, 2025: workshop day

Organizers and contact: 

Acknowledgements: We deeply thank Inria Paris for providing the location for this GDR meeting.


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