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Advances in learning-based image restoration

Date : 9-12-2024
Lieu : Paris, Institut Henri Poincaré

Thèmes scientifiques :

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    73 personnes membres du GdR ISIS, et 39 personnes non membres du GdR, sont inscrits à cette réunion.

    Capacité de la salle : 150 personnes.


    Many algorithms for image restoration and editing are based on some kind of regularity prior that is directly learned from data. This encompasses patch-based methods, plug-and-play methods, and more recently diffusion models. These methods are based on iterative algorithms whose convergence study raises difficult questions. For example, using a neural network to encode the image prior often requires to choose or design specific network architectures in order to keep convergence guarantees.

    The goal of this day is to give an overview of the current knowledge on these learning-based image restoration algorithms. The emphasis will be put on methods that use a regularization encoded through a deep neural network, should it be on theoretical aspects (convergence, a posterior sampling, characterization of cluster points) or applications (for example in medical or satellite imaging). We will encourage contributions that aim to measure the reliability or stability of the methods, to quantize the uncertainty of the restoration, or to analyze the reconstruction artifacts created by these methods.

    Please note that the talks will be given in French.

    Pour les membres du GdR IASIS qui souhaitent une prise en charge de leur mission par le GdR, anticipez votre demande : les demandes de missions doivent être formulées d'ici le 15 novembre.

    Invited Speakers:

    • Andrés Almansa (MAP5, Université de Paris)
    • Pierre Chainais (Centrale Lille)
    • Jean-Christophe Pesquet (Centrale Supélec)
    • Nelly Pustelnik (CNRS, ENS Lyon)


    • Julie Delon (MAP5, Université Paris Cité)
    • Arthur Leclaire (LTCI, Télécom Paris)

    This workshop is organized with the support of GDR IASIS and RT MAIAGES.


    9.15 Opening
    9.20 Invited Speaker: Jean-Christophe Pesquet
    10.00 Pierre Weiss - Comparing Plug-and-Play and Unrolled networks
    10.20 Marien Renaud - Image Restoration with Equivariant Regularization by Denoising

    10.40 Coffee Break

    11.10 Invited Speaker: Nelly Pustelnik
    11.50 Antoine Guennec - Joint structure-texture low dimensional modeling for image decomposition
    12.10 Sophie Carneiro Esteves - A plug-and-play framework for curvilinear structure segmentation based on a learned reconnecting regularization

    12.30-2.00pm Lunch Break

    2.00 Invited Speaker: Pierre Chainais
    2.40 Maud Biquard - Variational Bayes image restoration with compressive autoencoders
    3.00 Hubert Leterme - Distribution-Free Uncertainty Quantification for Weak Lensing Mass Mapping

    3.20 Coffee Break

    3.50 Invited Speaker: Andrés Almansa
    4.40 Corentin Vazia - Material decomposition in photon-counting computed tomography with diffusion prior
    5.00 Liam Moroy - Evaluating the Posterior Sampling Ability of Plug&Play Diffusion Methods in Sparse-View CT
    5.20 Marcelo Pereyra - Fundamental issues in hypothesis testing in imaging inverse problems, and some hope.
    5.40 Closing