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L0-based minimization: from continuous relaxations and non-convex algorithms to global optimization

Date : 16-09-2024
Lieu : Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP), Paris, amphithéâtre Choquet-Bruhat (bâtiment Perrin, second étage)

Thèmes scientifiques :

    Nous vous rappelons que, afin de garantir l'accès de tous les inscrits aux salles de réunion, l'inscription aux réunions est gratuite mais obligatoire.

    S'inscrire à la réunion.


    7 personnes membres du GdR ISIS, et 2 personnes non membres du GdR, sont inscrits à cette réunion.

    Capacité de la salle : 50 personnes.


    Scientific context

    Numerous problems in signal/image processing, statistics, and machine learning rely on the resolution of sparse optimization problems. These problems are very challenging to solve due to their combinatorial nature. The purpose of this thematic day is to bring together researchers in the field in order to explore the recent progress made in solving these challenging non-convex optimization problems. In particular, the program will cover a variety of methods from continuous relaxation and non-convex optimization algorithms to global optimization techniques.


    L. Calatroni (CNRS, Laboratoire I3S), E. Soubies (CNRS, IRIT)

    Program overview

    The day will start with a joint talk by Laure Blanc-Féraud and Jérôme Idier on a historical overview of $\ell_0$ minimisation approaches. The program will then be divided into three main sessions: continuous relaxations, nonconvex algorithms, and global optimization, each of which will start with a talk given by a an invited speaker.

    Confirmet invited speakers

    Laure Blanc-Féraud (CNRS)

    Sébastien Bourguignon (École Centrale de Nantes)

    Marcus Carlsson (Lund University, Sweden)

    Jérôme Idier (CNRS)

    Alain Rakotomamonjy (Criteo AI labs & Université de Rouen)

    Call for abstracts

    We encourage the submission of talks on the topics of the event. Please send your proposals (title + short abstract) using the submission form:

    Registration is free but mandatory for organization purposes and maximal room capacity.