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Master internship for Spring 2024 on Unbalanced optimal transport-based regularizers applied to epidemiology

15 December 2023

Catégorie : Stagiaire

M2 Internship of 4 to 6 months in the SIMS team at LS2N in Nantes on Unbalanced Optimal Transport-based regularizers for inverse problems in epidemiology. The detailed offer is available here.


Jérôme Idier ( and Barbara Pascal ( are proposing an M2 internship at LS2N, in the Signal IMage and Sounds (SIMS) team which goal is to leverage unbalanded optimal transport to design spatial regularizers to estimate epidemiological indicators.

The detailed description of the internship is available on Barbara Pascal's webpage at:

Applications consists in a CV, a motivation letter, academic reports of Master grades, and the contact of two referees to be sent to and Starting date is flexible.