Appel Choose France
L’appel Choose France est ouvert jusqu’au 31 mars. C’est une belle opportunité pour attirer en France des talents...
5 December 2023
Catégorie : Stagiaire
Since the next generation of wireless networks comprehends a unified network of connected objects, it is vital to ensure the cooperation and coordination of the constituent devices. While communication networks have traditionally been designed with the purpose of reliably conveying information, the devices can be viewed as autonomous decision makers which exploit communication as a way to enforce a prescribed behavior. In this scenario, the information transmission is affected by at least two kind of constraints. First, the encoder and the decoder of a given signal may have non-aligned incentives, in which case the encoder might be unwilling to transmit truthful information. Second, communication between agents is often imperfect, the encoder signal is degraded by ambient noise. By studying the recent advances in Information Theory on strong coordination in [1], and in Game Theory on strategic communication in [2], we will consider a framework for the coordination of the actions of strategic agents. This stage will take place at IMT Nord-Europe, via Guglielmo Marconi, 59650 Villeneuve-d’Ascq (Lille), France, and with scientific visits at IRISA UMR 6074 in ERMINE team, Campus de Beaulieu, 263 Boulevard du Genéral Leclerc, 35000 Rennes, France. The goal of this internship is to: • Do a review of the existing literature • Start deriving new results for the strategical-coordination problem Applicants should have a background in mathematics, and an interest in the theoretical aspects of telecommunications, or in game theory. A good and working knowledge of the English Language is preferable.
RESPONSABLE : Giulia Cervia, CERI SN, IMT Nord Europe, Lille
In collaboration with Dr. M. Le Treust, IRISA UMR 6074 in Rennes
THÉMATIQUES : Information theory, Game Theory, Coordination, Code design
DURÉE : 5 mois (possibilité de poursuivre avec un doctorat)
Candidature Interested candidate should transmit their CV and cover letter to:,
[1] G. Cervia, L. Luzzi, M. Le Treust, and M. R. Bloch, “Strong coordination of signals and actions over noisy channels with two-sided state information,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 66, no. 8, pp. 4681–4708, 2020.
[2] M. Le Treust and T. Tomala, “Persuasion with limited communication capacity,” Journal of Economic Theory, vol. 184, p. 104940, 2019.