The 11th International Conference on Curves and Surfaces will take place from June 8th to 12th of 2026, in Saint-Malo, France.
The conference is organised by SMAI-SIGMA, an activity group of Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles (SMAI).
Opening of submissions and registration: September 8th, 2025.
Web site:
Overall theme: “Representation and Approximation of Curves and Surfaces and Applications” with subtopics (in alphabetical order):
- Approximation theory
- Computer-aided geometric design
- Computer graphics and visualisation
- Computational geometry and topology
- Geometry processing
- Image and signal processing
- Interpolation and smoothing
- Mesh generation, finite elements and splines
- Scattered data processing and learning theory
- Sparse and high-dimensional approximation
- Subdivision, wavelets and multi-resolution methods
as well as related applications in manufacturing, mechanics, solid modelling, terrain modelling, oceanography, geosciences, life sciences …
- Markus Bachmayr (RWTH Aachen)
- Julie Delon (Université Paris Cité)
- Lucia Romani (University of Bologna)
- Carola Schönlieb (University of Cambridge)
- Espen Sande (EPFL)
- Jonathan Siegel (Texas A&M University)
- Justin Solomon (MIT)
- Soledad Villar (Johns Hopkins University)
- Advances in splines: theory, methods, and applications (Tatyana Sorokina, Towson University)
- Computer aided design and isogeometric methods (Carlotta Giannelli, University of Florence)
- Dynamical Measure Transport: Theory and Applications (Michael S Albergo, Harvard University)
- Generalized Barycentric Coordinates (Kai Hormann, Università della Svizzera)
- Geometric design (Melina Skouras, Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes)
- Geometric measure theory and shape representation (Blanche Buet, Univ. Paris-Saclay)
- Geometric shape analysis: old and new (Luis F. Pereira, University of California Santa Barbara)
- Geometry Processing (Julie Digne, CNRS – LIRIS)
- Graph Neural Networks (Nicolas Keriven, CNRS)
- High-dimensional approximation (Olga Mula, TU Eindhoven)
- Kernel-based Methods in Approximation and Learning Theory (Holger Wendland, University of Bayreuth)
- Mathematical aspects of deep learning (Remi Gribonval, Inria – ENS de Lyon)
- Optimal transport and geometry (Quentin Merigot, Université Paris-Saclay)
- Optimisation and Machine Learning (Edouard Pauwels, Toulouse School of Economics)
- Optimisation polynomiale (Didier Henrion, LAAS – CNRS – Univ. Toulouse and Czech Tech. Univ. Prague)
- Topological Data Analysis and applications (Théo Lacombe, Univ. Gustave Eiffel – CNRS – LIGM)
- Albert Cohen
- Virginie Ehrlacher
- Anna Korba
- Tom Lyche
- Anthony Nouy
- Gabriel Peyré
- Jean Feydy
We welcome contributions as oral presentations and posters.
Abstract submissions will be open on September 8, 2025.