The famous paper of Gilles Kahn on KPN, entitled « The semantics of a simple language for parallel programming » was published in 1974, and we are organizing a day dedicated to dataflow models of computation to celebrate the anniversary. The goal is to travel through the various research fields that has been opened by this paper. The original paper will be presented to start the day.
Date : 16 December 2024
Place : INRIA Paris, 48 Rue Barrault 75 647 Paris
For logistic reasons, registration to the day is free but mandatory. The list will be provided to INRIA on Thursday December 12th, 2024. Non registered persons may not be authorized to access the room.
Please register here:
Preliminary programme (tentative) :
– 9h30-10h: Welcome Coffee
– 10h-10h15: Opening
– 10h15-11h15: « The semantics of a simple language for parallel programming », presentation of the original paper by Marc Pouzet (ENS)
– 11h15-12h15: « Actor without director », by Albert Benveniste (INRIA)
– 12h15-13h30: lunch break
– 13h30-14h30: Title TBA, by Alix Munier-Kordon (Sorbonne Université)
– 14h30-15h30: PREESM, by Karol Desnos (INSA Rennes)
– 15h30-16h30: Title TBA, by Shuvra Bhattacharyya (University of Maryland, College Park, US ; Chaire d’excellence – INSA/IETR Rennes)
– 16h30-16h45: Discussion and closing session
For the organizing committee,
Kevin Martin, Marc Pouzet, Alain Girault, Albert Benveniste