École d’Été Peyresq 2025
Thème Quantification d’incertitude Le GRETSI et le GdR IASIS organisent depuis 2006 une École d’Été...
22 Novembre 2024
Catégorie : Post-doctorant
Postdoctoral positions at Irfu/DPhN, Gif-Sur-Yvette, France.
The theory and phenomenology group of the Department of Nuclear physics (DPhN) in Irfu, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay opens three postdoc positions for two years, two of which are funded by the French National Research Agency ANR, and the third one funded by the AIDAS Virtual Laboratory (https://aidas-lab.eu/) born from a collaboration between CEA and Jülich Forschungszentrum. Based at CEA Saclay, this third position will be shared with the Computing, Detector and Electronics department (DEDIP). The target date for the beginning of the positions is October 1st 2025, but earlier starting dates are possible.
The two positions funded by ANR will be dedicated to the study of GPDs and TMDs. This can cover multiple aspects, from purely theoretical ones, to phenomenology. We expect these projects to be the main focus of the applicants, but other projects and collaborations can be built during their stay in Saclay. DPhN is part of the Université Paris-Saclay, providing one of the most dynamics scientific environment regarding QCD studies with many partner institutions (IPhT Saclay, IJCLab Theory, CPHT at École Polytechnique) close by. Collaborations with our national and foreign partners are expected.
The third position, in collaboration with Julich Forshungzentrum, and joint with DEDIP, is dedicated to the “data” analysis and treatment of the deconvolution problem of hard QCD processes. Indeed, connecting experimental or simulation data with the multidimensional structure of hadron is a complex and multistep task. Among others, we highlight here two main challenges: the sparsity of data available to constrain multidimensional functions and the ill-posed nature of the associated inverse problem. The goal is thus to develop machine learning tools to regularise the extraction of the multidimensional structure of the nucleon, with a reliable estimate of theoretical systematic uncertainties. This position will also involve collaboration with the lattice QCD group of Julich Forschungszentrum.
The applicants thus need to have defended a Ph.D. in theoretical or phenomenological hadron physics before the starting date of the contract. Applicants with no previous postdoc experience are encouraged to apply. A previous experience in numerical analyses, independently of the scientific context, would be appreciated but is not mandatory. The salary depends on previous experience and the grant provides retirement benefit, health insurance, subsidized lunches, and funding for attendance to conferences and workshops.
Applicant should provide a complete CV, and a list of publication, explicitly mentioning their contributions. They should also provide a research statement (no more than 4 pages), explaining their scientific work, their future plans and how and why it matches those of the local research team. Full consideration will be guaranteed for applications submitted before December 20st 2024, 23:59 Paris time. The applications should be sent to Cédric Mezrag (cedric.mezrag@cea.fr), Valerio Bertone (valerio.bertone@cea.fr) and Jérôme Bobin (jerome.bobin@cea.fr). Two letters of recommendation should be sent independently at the same addresses, following the same deadline. The full name of the candidate should be stated in the object of the email.
For any additional information, please contact Cédric Mezrag (cedric.mezrag@cea.fr), Valerio Bertone (valerio.bertone@cea.fr) and Jérôme Bobin (jerome.bobin@cea.fr).