EUSIPCO 2024, Lyon – August 26-30, 2024

EUSIPCO is the premier European conference on signal processing.
The 32nd edition will be held in Lyon, at the Lyon Convention Center, located close to the downtown, to the historic district and to the train station.

EUSIPCO 2024 technical program will include :

  • keynotes by distinguished speakers,
  • tutorials,
  • special sessions and
  • cutting-edge research presentations on topics that are addressing key
    challenges in signal processing today.

The EUSIPCO2024 edition will have a specific flavour, with focus on interdisciplinary researches in signal and image processing, geared toward major societal stakes.

Tentative schedule:

  • Special session proposal submission : Dec. 11 th, 2023
  • Full paper submission : Feb. 26 th, 2024
  • Tutorial proposal submission : March 4 th, 2024


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